Assalamualaikum!happy monday sayangs!!:DD how's the feeling of living home on Monday? hope everything is great!! Pretend not to know something is one of the hardest thing to do. Imagine. Someone is carrying a torch for you. Starting to make something for you. trying to convince you. Willing to help you. Doesn't it means something? stereoscopic? i don't know baby. But.. trust me, it is a no-no situation if he or she means nothing. Ladies normally show their feeling easily. we can detect in a glimpse when she does something for a reason. There is always a reason for things happen right? :) Falling in love. is it faith to fall in love or we are just the one who keep falling for ...? :) think.. go on.. you are choosing to fall or it is fate that you are falling? emotion, feeling, behaviour, action, do you feel that it is fate? or you choose to be that way? in this condition, in depends on situation. okay? if it is all about feelin...