aa.. nk store..
dis is a real luv story.
1 day a gurl called fly fm to complain about her boy
she said her boy spent most of his time with friend tan with her..
she wants to be alone with him.
the DJ asked
DJ:wow!how long u've been together?
gurl:2 weeks..
DJ:still fresh!no wonder you want space alone..
DJ:so,you want to spent time with him on his bufday this coming 21st of june,?
DJ:okey we will called him later..
the DJ called her boy..
DJ:we ve received a complain from ur gurlfriend.she said you had spent time with ur friend more than her.
ajib:ow!ya..i did..but dats because i've lack of time..
DJ:ur bufday is coming so what's ur plan..hanging up with her..?
ajib:nope..juz hang up with family..
DJ:so,she want u to spent ur bufday with her..could you?
DJ:or u're going with another?
ajib:no because i juz ve a gurlfriend..
DJ:what is her name?
DJ:So,ajib..azlina on the phone now..maybe you wanna say sumtng..
ajib:aaa...what are you doing??
ajib:i juz wanna say that...Azlina,I LOVE YOU..
DJ:wow!man!so fluent are you..hahaha
this make me smile all day long...huhuh
1 day a gurl called fly fm to complain about her boy
she said her boy spent most of his time with friend tan with her..
she wants to be alone with him.
the DJ asked
DJ:wow!how long u've been together?
gurl:2 weeks..
DJ:still fresh!
DJ:so,you want to spent time with him on his bufday this coming 21st of june,?
DJ:okey we will called him later..
the DJ called her boy..
DJ:we ve received a complain from ur gurlfriend.she said you had spent time with ur friend more than her.
ajib:ow!ya..i did..but dats because i've lack of time..
DJ:ur bufday is coming so what's ur plan..hanging up with her..?
ajib:nope..juz hang up with family..
DJ:so,she want u to spent ur bufday with her..could you?
DJ:or u're going with another?
ajib:no because i juz ve a gurlfriend..
DJ:what is her name?
DJ:So,ajib..azlina on the phone now..maybe you wanna say sumtng..
ajib:aaa...what are you doing??
ajib:i juz wanna say that...Azlina,I LOVE YOU..
DJ:wow!man!so fluent are you..hahaha
this make me smile all day long...huhuh
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