Sample essay on camping.

An Unforgettable Camp
A Language Camp held at Kalumpang Resort from 14th to 16th May 2012 organized by IPG KBA for all TESL students intake June 2011. The objectives of this camp were to make use of English among the students, wider usage of English in various ways and to give a new experience for students when they visited the kids in the school. I learnt many new things along this camp and I believed this experience would be very useful for me in order to be an excellent teacher in the future. In my opinion there are few things that should be renew or upgrade by organization for a better camp ahead.
Firstly, I totally, like the way of dividing students randomly and I think this should proceed in the future. We, students will experience different teamwork with new group members compared only in our class. I also believed the differences made a live for the team. Picking up different group members encouraged students to mingle around and swap various ideas. Yes, of course a first timework of a team would be a bit awkward but from this platform, I realized there is time where I need to be a follower, a judge, an observant also a leader. In order to have a superb Language Camp, maybe organizer can put a team or group in the same dormitory so that they can work within their group members but it is not compulsory for them to be in their group all the time.
In addition to that, I want to give a suggestion for more prizes. Maybe consolation prizes others who joined the activities. If there are consolation prizes given, the students will feel better and happy. For example, prizes were given to the winners for top three and only top two if a grouping competition. I bet it also because of the money that we have but for the others batch or the other camp that we have in the future, maybe we can raise some more money before the camp by selling something or make some activities that can add on our fund.  For the single or solo competition, I believed contestants still hoping to get prizes even only consolation prizes just to say that they did something while they were in the camp. A prove for them.
From my point of view, these two things maybe can be improve further. I felt a bit sorry for my own team when we did not win so much in many competitions but I enjoyed all the activities a lot. All activities were great and happening and the most precious memory was while having school visits. First time to see kids as a facilitator but the kids already called us ‘teacher’. It is something good feeling when I heard it. Even though the camp was not so long, I gained good things. Thank you very much for all those effort taken by our great lecturers, sporting friends and myself for an awesome camp!


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