^_^ Menanti Awak menjemput sebagai peneman diri

hye..:) ain't that sweet when you're thinking about someone,miss him/her,want to make yourself relax,pretend to be okay when he/she is not around, then he/she appears?

if that the case better both of us save tons of money + collect all knowledge about marriage and..................have a beautiful life together..?^_^

thanks to you Mr..:D

"I want you to know how much I appreciate all of the things you do for me. You make me feel needed, wanted, and cared about. When you say you will never lie to me I believe you. You are absolutely amazing. The most amazing person I have ever met. You always make sure I'm smiling, laughing, and having a good time. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. You have the most beautiful eyes and the most caring heart.

For once in my life I feel handsome and wanted. It is unbelievable how I can be myself around you and feel so close to you, I feel like I have known you for ever. I couldn't imagine my life without you. I love looking back and thinking of the way we met. Every time we met I would get so nervous and my stomach would be filled with butterflies. it's crazy and ironic. I may not be the nicest or the best to you sometimes, and I promise you that I will treat you how you deserve to be treated from now on. When you are not around you are all I think about....
ly d! ^^"

miss d.;)


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