Perempuan tak pandai masak!

Oh! hello everybody!:) ehh.. assalamualaikum muslimin,muslimat sekalian.:)

Okay. what do you think about perempuan yang tak pandai masak? :O

a: teruk
b: perempuan ke tu?
c: tak kesah
d: ala..nanti2 dia kena masak jugak.:)

okay, i mengaku yang i memang tak pandai masak but if i've the guideline: recipe,ingredients,tools, insyAllah i boleh je buat..:)

wanna share my experience? i've made beautiful,crunchy, delicious cornflakes madu and biskut arab for my relatives and friends few months ago which was: hari raya aidilfitri. :)

alhamdulillah..first try,not bad..;) nanti i upload kan gambar ok?

macam ni lah.. it is all about perceptions. we cannot change others' perceptions,thought and views,right? but we still can give them a mini heart attack if we can impress them..;) be cool and play smart darling! remember that we are not what people want us to be BUT we are who we used to be.:) kalau nak tahu resepi biskut arab and cornflakes madu tu..actually.. i google je:) haha

enough for this entry. love,
miss d.:)


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