Comment on Istanbul Aku Datang!

hey! hey! hey!
hello everybody!!
you boleh cakap i kolot ke, naik basikal ke,naik siput sedut ke.. ape2 lah.. tapi i tetap nk post some comments on this movie.
by the way, it just a sharing of thought. tak salah kan?;) haha, now im watching it at channel 488 astro first. people: my friends, they said it is a wonderful movie. siap bg i gred "wajib tengok" tau! i pon berkobar2 lah nk tengok this cute mute movie..but dr start smpai abis i mcm plain je.. ya..i admit,lisa IS ALWAYS cute. haha
but the story line kan..i rase lebih kurang je. or maybe i am just too much of novel!=.=" don't blame me for that. nak buat macam mana. cuti kan?:)
ha! continue..
camni.. i memang lah suka tgk cerita cute2 :korean movies,n pape je lah novel yg gile2 n attractive..:)

"kalau awak rasa,apa yang saya rasa"-Hariz to Dian
"b..!janganlah peluk2 camni."- Azad to Dian

hurm..macam mane i nak cakap ye.. i think i do enjoy this movie. it just that macam tgk im not single pon ye..
tapi diakui ISTANBUL sangat cantik!!!
i believe people love to see,to read a happy ending story kan?:)
do you guys notice? lisa kan..kalau dapat watak mesti dapat panggil 'B' kan? haha..comel..

ok.tu je.:P
-miss d


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