
im just .
it just me. maybe it is nothing. you are laughing.. 
does it hurt you? i dont know..hmm..
wanna know something? 
it just me who love to share. i want to make sure you are the first one to know, first 1 to hear,first 1.. ntah.
but im not happy with this feeling. im going to make it rain i guess. cant you see how much you mean for me. 
im telling you. im sharing it with you but seems like you dont like it. i should expect it am i?
im typing an entry.this entry while my heart..there's something going on inside here. mad?frust? why should i right?:) 
 but laughing with others. friends,mates. they don't have to know. 
i have no intention to hurt you. hurting you is hurting myself either. hurting other just not my style. i make it clear. 
move on. i'm taken.

maybe i am silly,dumb about that heart-analyse-personality-problem solving. yet alhamdulillah i'm not making any double play.

"sometimes,things are better left unsaid."-so damn true. 

lesson learnt~



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