hye all.. ;)

a wonderful n cold evening here..
today i'm at bukit tinggi specifically in colmar tropicale..
wow! Spanish show free... ^^ cool!but now..already in dA room..
how sweet to see many people here enjoying themselves with their loves' 1..
=).. while i was walking alone with my cornetto ice cream.. i saw 2 pairs of swan.. black & white.. they seem to be happpy.. enjoying their day together in da pond.. oh!like couple.. err..but i didnt noe whether they're couple..aren't they?huhu
b4 having a nice walk this evening.. i spent 10rinngit 4 token but i loose!!!oh.. bad luck 4 me.. no bear!=( hmm..sokay... DONATED!!!huuhu
ya..sure...if he's here..haha... silly..~ sad to be alone.. but ALL IS WELL! darl..........
i miss u like heaven!! r u still mad at me?>.<
i am looking at my phone evry second hopping that u'll text me.
hope u're fine.

we should be happy always right? O
< >


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