
today is my 18th years old bufday..know wut i feel?
sad n happy...
sad bcoz its already 7 years without him..
seriously i miss him..
i miss him so much..
wonder if once in my whole life could be with him to say:
Ayah,kakaq syg ayah..kakaq rindu ayah,..
Ayah..kdg2 kakaq jeles tgk org len ade ayah..
kakaq sedih tgk mak sorg..
tp ayah...
kakaq tau..
Allah syg ayah lebih dr akak..
kakaq doakn kakaq xkn mmberi dose dan mmbebankn ayah..

May Allah bless u love..

untuk mak yg tercinte..
mak,dalam idup akaq slame 18 taon ni..
kakaq bnyk myusahkan mak..
kakaq mntak ampun,mintak maaf..
18 taon ni akaq tau mak bnyk bkorban..
akak buat yg terbaik..
terima kasih untuk mlahirkan,membesarkan,menyayngi akaq seumur idop mak..
akak syg mak!!


  1. aku faham eventhough aku x alami..but sentiasa ingat yg he will always look at you where ever he are.


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