i'm heavenly happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
extermely happy!!!
wanna go home..
can't wait to eat ayam percik and of cuorse to meet my lovely mummy!!!
An Unforgettable Camp A Language Camp held at Kalumpang Resort from 14 th to 16 th May 2012 organized by IPG KBA for all TESL students intake June 2011. The objectives of this camp were to make use of English among the students, wider usage of English in various ways and to give a new experience for students when they visited the kids in the school. I learnt many new things along this camp and I believed this experience would be very useful for me in order to be an excellent teacher in the future. In my opinion there are few things that should be renew or upgrade by organization for a better camp ahead. Firstly, I totally, like the way of dividing students randomly and I think this should proceed in the future. We, students will experience different teamwork with new group members compared only in our class. I also believed the differences made a live for the team. Picking up different group members encouraged students to mingle around and swap various ideas. Yes, of course a fi...
Assalamualaikum! hey! hey! hey! hello everybody!! you boleh cakap i kolot ke, naik basikal ke,naik siput sedut ke.. ape2 lah.. tapi i tetap nk post some comments on this movie. by the way, it just a sharing of thought. tak salah kan?;) haha okay.fyi, now im watching it at channel 488 astro first. people: my friends, they said it is a wonderful movie. siap bg i gred "wajib tengok" tau! i pon berkobar2 lah nk tengok this cute mute movie..but dr start smpai abis i mcm plain je.. ya..i admit,lisa IS ALWAYS cute. haha but the story line kan..i rase lebih kurang je. or maybe i am just too much of novel!=.=" don't blame me for that. nak buat macam mana. cuti kan?:) ha! continue.. camni.. i memang lah suka tgk cerita cute2 :korean movies,n pape je lah novel yg gile2 n attractive..:) "kalau awak rasa,apa yang saya rasa"-Hariz to Dian "b..!janganlah peluk2 camni."- Azad to Dian hurm..macam mane i nak cakap ye.. i think i do enjoy this movie. it...
Bonda tercinta, diwaktu kecil sejak aku Kau kandung kau menjagaku sepenuh hatimu. Bondaku, aku kini meningkat dewasa, mengenal rakan, mengenal dunia, bertatih mengejar cita. Diuji Tuhan dengan kesabaran anak yang lapisannya ibarat senipis selaput mata. Pantang tidak bersua hati rindu gelisah memikirkan bonda tercinta sendirian berteman kesayangan peliharaan. Namun pabila bersua tidak pula boleh berlama. Ada saja yang kurang dimatanya. INI salah ITU salah. Hinggakan diri ini terasa roads berguna. Bondaku, janganlah Kau pohon pada Dia yang Maha Mendengar untuk yang tidak2. Tuhanku, keampunannya adalah pintu keampunanMu. berilah peluang untukku berbakti kepadanya. Mustahil aku menolak ibu yang menjaga memeluk membelai tika aku sangat2 memerlukan. Tinggi mana pon aku berpijak, langit yang Ku junjung tetap sama. Peluk daku kejap dalam lembayung rahmatmu. Bondaku, baranku boleh dikawal. Aku anakmu. Pastu ada cara untuk Ku menghilangkan nya terhadapmu. Engkau terlalu berharg...
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