Fastabikul khoirot!:)

Assalamualaikum! A very delightful morning readers!:)
How are you going to start your day today?tell me.
People said : Monday blues!
Some said: positive thinking
Author said : start the day with something sweet and ends it with something sweeter.
Me : Alhamdulillah, thank Allah i am still breathing today. :) isn't that also sweet?

People become so judgemental when they think others are doing the wrong things. keep blaming here and there. well, some keep pointing, highlighting others are doing wrongly in life. personally i always reflect myself when something has happened. i am well enough to pin point to myself for mistakes i made in my life rather than other. sometimes i just don't understand how people are becoming so cruel that they can hate each other. Doesn't Allah guide us to love and to be love? Our Prophet Muhammad s.a.w spread the love with salam (assalamualaikum wbt) peace be upon you. A dua' for our brothers and sisters.

Dont be so anxious or too ambitious to change here and there when fardhu muslim has not been immersed in your life. Practically, we think we are in a right way but actually we are not. Slipping from the way/path Allah has lead us to. Reflect. Our aim is Jannah. Allah has promised us in Quran 11:108 that people with happiness will be in Jannah. they stay in Jannah as long as Allah want them to :) Our brothers and sisters in Palestine, Iraq, Syria, Mesir. They need us. It is the best for us as muslim to reunite. i am talking on behalf of my own opinion regardless of any issues here. We actually do not need any of demo or what ever sort of things that can lead to WAR. WAR between muslim ourselves! Astagfirullahhalzim. Allah Allah Allah. We are not strong because of our small small groups. SEPARATED. SEGREGATION. do you expect to win with that attitude? think youngsters think. Do good deeds reasonably. Dont be too silly to follow here and here without knowing what actually happened in real world. We should correct the wrong things and polish the good one. UNITED muslim to be insyAllah. :) Quran-Allah loves whoever in the path of battle with good 'saff' 61:4.

Dear Muslims,
It is almost the end of Barakatul ramadhan! Allah :( how far we are doing in ramadhan?how good we are? Allah Allah Allah :(. First quarter 10 days of ramadhan has passed, another 10days of second quarter also gone and now it is the last quarter, 10  last days of ramadhan before our eid fitri. 10 days of rahmah, 10 days of magfirah and now 10 days of perlepasan fron 'azab Jahannam. Tajdid our intention, rewind our wishes, enrich our amal. what that matter the most is we are the slave of Allah. our brothers and sisters are being tortured yet we are sleeping calm and warm? regardless who you are, have a sense of humanity for those people. Kids, women, Asy-syahid men who fight physically, mentally, just to stick to Lillahita'ala. The least we can do is pray. Pray that Allah will reward them with Jannah, pray that we can help, pra =y that everything will be fine. The happiness in life is when you find the way of life. seren. 

May Allah bless us muslims :) be good, do well.
keep calm and its ramadhan! :)
Fastabikul khoirot! fastspeed ramadhan is ending soon! :))



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