For fellow guys~

Hello everyone. Assalamualaikum! swiss morning! sweet sunday! ^_^

I am choosing this title because i am one of them.:')
People said WE are complicated. It is a label or a tagline which is quite unpleasant to hear actually.:)

WE are not complicated.
Dear fellow guys,
WE are unique! ^_^ Allah create us with a special way, a special feeling, soft heart and yes.. WE are a little bit hard to be understood... :') But guys.. Allah gives you all you need in order to understand lady in your life..:) Allah gives you mind to think, heart to feel, eyes to look at her.:)

Dear fellow guys,
Most of US do not need your money much, the thing WE want is.. your attention!:)
Have you ever be in love? i bet you had or maybe you still...:') it is easy to understand how a girl, a lady, a woman's heart IF you want to.:) Many guys normally knew how to FLIRT but didn't know how to love.:)

Dear fellow guys,
Yes, WE are high maintenance, love to be love, cry without a reason, sulking without a purpose. It is from your point of view. Do you ever think from our side?:) Yes,sometimes we cried for nothing, just feel like want to cry. Allah said ladies,women created with a soft heart rather than guys, so of course it is easy to see the tears drop.:)

But fellow guys,
do you want to know something? i met somebody. Somebody to love and he understand me very well, he feels me, knows me and able to fix everything with me. How can he do that? he is also a guy,normal guy. nothing special just like you. However he is special in my eyes.:) So, it just the matter of your consideration to understand or to let go.:)

Dear fellow guys,
simple advice for you:
in order to be together,you have to-get-her. :)

Dear Mr. Ash,
I appreciate everything you have done,you still do and you will do for me, InsyAllah i'll be a good wife for you in the future if Allah let us to be together..

miss d


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